Home Base

Brrrrrrrr II: Electric Brrrrrrrrgaloo

Kickman - now also a handy heat sourceWhen the heat in your home goes out in the dead of winter, and after business hours and on a Sunday no less, it’s amazing what one resorts to in order to try to restore some semblance of comfort to the place. For the record, the game room is probably the warmest room in the house; it gets toasty enough in here with all this gear running (especially now that the Avid is here) that I usually have the fan on, running at a low speed, all winter. Well, not tonight. The fan’s off. The heat’s also off. It’s time to turn on anything that might generate a bit of warmth. … Read more

Cooking With Code Gaming Home Base Spamatozoa Toiling In The Pixel Mines

I’ve been saying UGH a lot. Does that make me an “ugh-naught”?

Just popping my head in to apologize for not feeling particularly bloggy lately. Some stuff has some up – and admittedly 90% of it is work – that’s left me in a not-even-remotely blogful mood. (I’ve also been trying not to vent about things a whole lot at work either – I’m sure everyone’s as tired of hearing about it as I am of dealing with it. That, and I have to start taking the moral high ground at some point rather than feeding the gossip mill.)
I’ve started conceptualizing another fun little piece, very much along the lines of Olivia vs. Dalek, that I hope to start some shooting on fairly soon. I won’t spill any dirt there, except to say that it, too, involves Daleks. Possibly lots and lots of them by the time I’m done working a bit of Avid magic…
You may have noticed the scads of ads for gift certificates all over the site. That’s the great thing about the sections that have already been converted into WordPress – I just drop in a smidgeon of code, and wham, it’s on everything. (I’m sure some folks are going “oh, gee, that’s great,” but just remember it helps to keep us “on the air.”) So if you need an Amazon gift certificate, by golly, click one of those handy little buttons. The site can always use the dough.
We have wintry-type weather moving in tonight. I’m actually hoping that it’ll sock us in enough that I can’t make it down the mountain to go to work. (That actually happened last year – when you live out in the boonies, you’re in the absolute last place that anyone’s going to send a snowplow. Instant vacation!) I’d love to stay home with my favorite cats and dog in the world and just relax and not worry one bit about the station. At the same time, I’m hoping this weather doesn’t kill this weekend’s gaming get-together in Bentonville. Maybe it could thaw out on Saturday morning…
Also, congratulations to the spammer whose random name generator came up with the absolute best spammer sender name ever to appear in my inbox: Yomoshiro Guadalupe. I mean, that’s got the staying power of Napoleon Dynamite and then some. 😆
November sweeps ends in one hour. Thank God. The handful of spots I’m not embarrassed about from this latest month of mayhem can be found in my work section, for those interested.… Read more

Critters Gadgetology Home Base ToyBox

Then again, maybe not

Okay, so Raquina’s not expecting. She’s just getting fat. Which doesn’t help her next year when we breed her and she is expecting. Looks like it’s time for me and the li’l nibbler (okay, she’s not that little anymore – at the beginning of the second half of this video, she’s the horse who almost runs over me) to do some walking. (Seriously, she follows me around. And tries to nibble anything relatively loose that I’m wearing – jackets, hats, you name it. Hence the nickname.)
Speaking of video, I bet that even if you have a Transmat Dalek, it doesn’t do this. Neat little practical lighting effect – no video trickery whatsoever!
OK, now that my weekend “Christmas by way of eBay” is over, it’s time to reveal the spoils of my mad consumer lust. 😆 … Read more

Home Base

Leave me where I am, I’m only sleeping

Actually, I’m only daydreaming about sleeping. I’ve run into a problem: I get home from work dead tired, but invariably I have some idea I want to try out on my own Avid, and the next thing you know, it’s 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning, and I finally wise up and go to bed, and then without fail my wife wakes me up for some reason at around 6:30 and I can’t get back to sleep. So naturally, I wind up doing stuff on the Avid again. It’s a vicious cycle. Add to that a weekend of solo horse feeding and a Sunday night shift at work, and…well…I guess I’ll sleep in early December. No wonder I’ve been sick.
If anyone’s wondering when you’re going to see full-up production numbers out of the new gear and not goofy test footage of fiddygibbers with lightning shooting out of their noses, I’d say to check the main page of on Monday – there’ll be stuff with video features that doesn’t normally have video. (And one of our coolest front page graphic menus in quite a while too. If I do say so myself.)
Ah, sleep. How I miss thee.… Read more

Critters Home Base Should We Talk About The Weather?

Wind and/or wuthering

It’s been an insanely windy 24 hours here. We’re talking sustained 30-40mph winds (and the gusts are worse). Needless to say, my already-battered mailbox has all but been left laying in the ditch by this. The resulting temperature drop – down to around freezing – has accelerated that time of year when Xena becomes a full-time resident inside the house. Which seems to suit Olivia just fine – it means that wagging tail is always just a pounce away, in the comfort of her own home!
Shall we do promos for global thermonuclear war?
At exactly the same time tonight, everyone working for a Hearst Argyle TV station got an automated call on their home or cell phones, testing an automated “emergency response” system to be activated in the event of major emergencies or disasters; I guess it’s there to tell us if the station’s been taken out by a surgical strike (though I can’t imagine who’d want to do that now that Dancing With Or Without The Stars is over), or, more likely, to tell everyone to Report To Work Now Now Now in the event of a 9/11-scale emergency. This system was put in place after Katrina all but wiped out our sister station (and one of the oldest continuously broadcasting stations in the U.S.) WDSU last year. It sounds like the mutant love child resulting from a menage a trois between WOPR, Speak & Spell, and some Commodore 64 text-to-speech program whose name I’ve long since forgotten. It’s like getting a surprise phone call from Stephen Hawking, and he’s calling me “Early Green.” I’ll try to record it off the answering machine later in the day before I delete it, for your amusement.
Twilight Zone Standard Time
I have a small cluster of VCRs which I used for converting international videotapes to domestic formats and vice versa. (If anyone actually still requires this service in the age of DVD, give me a shout – I give good PAL conversion.) One of these VCRs has been routinely slipping into another timestream. For example: the always-accurate clock on my DVD recorder says “4:08A” (I kid you not, the thing is tuned into the atomic clock or something, because I’ve never had to set it once in 3+ years). The JVC VCR, at this moment, says “10:12A.” I’ve come home from work at two in the morning to find the VCR claiming it’s in PM time somewhere. And 12 hours or so later, with no readily apparent explanation, wham, it snaps back into real time. This would be great if I could get it to record stuff from the future, you know? I’d suddenly become an avid (and quite probably much wealthier than I am now) sports fan. Sort of like a slightly more modern version of Early Edition. Minus the yellow cat. Which is probably for the best, Olivia would chase his tail too.… Read more

Home Base Music Spamatozoa

December 4th!

Doctor Who soundtrackThe release date for the Doctor Who soundtrack is December 4th; there are more details here. This will conclude what’s actually been a very good music year for me – for someone who sits out most everything that actually charts these days, I’ve still been picking up a lot of music this year. (Which, by the way, the L.E.O. CD I mentioned a while back is excellent, definitely worth the wait, and even better than the streaming samples would lead one to believe.)
Sorry I’m running late on site update for this week; this morning I had a killer fever kick in and all of a sudden, if it was attached to my body, it hurt. I wound up taking one of the pain pills I was prescribed on Saturday, thinking “I’ll get up again around 2 o’ clock and finish the update.” Nope, I didn’t get up until it was time to go to work. I still need to ship out recent eBay wins, and a small piece of paper tells me that a shiny round thing containing the elder Mr. Finn’s latest opus has arrived, but these things didn’t get done today. :-/
I got a spam in my e-mail tonight that isn’t even worth joking about; it entreats recipients to join the craze that is currently seeing “two blogs started every second” because they could be “blogging for dollars!” 🙄 I would go into why this isn’t going to work, but then I realized: I wrote that editorial over seven years ago. (In fact, you can see it right here.) At the time, the subject was quick-start web sites to sell more or less generic merchandise, but the same thinking is just as applicable to this situation: now we’re going to run into a bunch of spammy blogs (as if there aren’t already enough of those around, just aggregating feeds from other sources) that have no reason to exist other than that their creators have been misled into thinking they’re going to Get! Rich! Quick! If you’re going to blawg all over the place, do it because you enjoy it. If you can reap some ancillary benefits from it beyond that, cool, but there has to be a reason for it to be there – and a reason for people to want to read it, because after all, they’re the ones who are supposedly supporting you.… Read more

Home Base

Just split my skull open with an axe, it’d be over faster.

I woke up this morning with a godawful splitting sinus headache. That’s more than just a little bit unusual, because I don’t do sinus headaches. Not like this one, anyway – not the kind the runs from your temple down your jawline into your teeth. So off to the doctor we went – my wife took the day off to celebrate her birthday, and I felt like I was ruining it. I had gotten her a gift already, but I’d spent the past week fretting over whether or not she’d like it. Let me hit the pause button on the headache and tell that story first.
The Sasgami Salami Story
For over a year now, my wife has been going ga-ga over the very idea that there’s a tactical space combat sim based on the Honor Harrington universe. The problem with that game, however, was its price tag: in the vicinity of $80 for a hex-map-and-dice-and-markers type game. Until that is, I found the Honor Harrington Saganami Island Tactical Simulator on eBay. (For those not familiar: Saganami Island Academy = the Honorverse’s Starfleet Academy for all intents and purposes.) Only I found that game through a typo on my part – I typed “Herrington.” One item did show up though: “HONOR HERRINGTON SASGAMI ISLAND SIMULATOR.” 😆 I’m not sure anyone else ever saw that listing, and I was able to reel it in for a little under half price.
Fast Forward To A Week Ago
…when the thing actually arrived. It wasn’t shrinkwrapped, so I thought “Hey, perfect opportunity to peruse the manual. If one of us already knows how to play, we don’t have to spend all night going over the rulebook.” Wrong! This is a game for dead serious space warfare geeks – the supposedly simple one-page rule summary sheet reads like something written by an aeronautical engineering major. Actually reading the detailed rules is even more daunting. I’ve never before in my life encountered a game that required calculus. I got nervous. This wasn’t a game. This was homework.
Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch
After going to get some good drugs prescribed for me, including Allegra D, which truly screws with my head, we did the only sensible thing to do in this situation: we went shopping. We had a little bit of money to blow, so with cash in hand, we hit Books A Million, Hastings, and a few other places. At Hastings we picked up a couple more games that caught our fancy: Man Bites Dog, an amusing card game which lets you put together random news headlines that are just wrong in so many ways (Amazon link here), and the official South Park trivia game (Amazon link here). (She also got a talking Cartman keychain, so our evening gaming session was punctuated by such utterly appropriate soundbites as “Kick ass!”, “I am so…pissed…off” and “You will respect my authoritah!”)
Rewind To The Store
While looking at “local interest books” on our shopping trip, I spotted a book titled “Steamboats And Ferries Of The White River.” Only I apparently didn’t see that at first, collapsing into giggles because I had read it as “Steamboats And Ferrets”. This became the cue to abandon the shopping expedition and head home because evidently the cocktail of prescriptions I was on was really messing with me. On the way to get on the interstate, we got caught in a mini-traffic jam, toward which I directed the following bizarre comment: “Get a move on! Are you gonna be a steamboat, or a ferret?” I guess you kinda had to be there.
Very Funny, Scotty, Now Beam The Rest Of Me Up
Another thing we both fell in love with was one of this year’s Star Trek christmas ornaments, the classic Enterprise transporter pad. It has some built-in lighting coolness to illuminate a very nice miniature diorama of the transporter pad, with Scotty, Spock and Kirk standing on the pads. Only the store display model had no Kirk. It had Kirk’s feet. “Where’s Captain Kirk?” my wife asked; I glanced over at a Star Wars Episode III ornament which was also distinctly missing someone north of their boots, and suggested that maybe he was chillin’ with Obi-Wan. Fortunately, we were able to get a complete one! 😆
We still haven’t played “Sasgami Island” yet, because I haven’t been able to get a degree in applied physics tonight, but damned if Man Bites Dog isn’t fun. My wife also picked up a book and a magazine today, but overall, this reminded me of my birthdays when I was growing up – sure, a few clothes here and there, but by and large it was all fun stuff. I’ve been officially informed that this was the Best Birthday Ever, and now I think I understand why my mom used to do birthdays the way she did.… Read more

Home Base

Light ’em up

It’s cold outside – cold for Arkansas, mind you. 38 degrees is a nice spring day in Wisconsin. But for here? For my poor short-haired mutt? It’s cold. It’s only 38 degrees, sure, but that’s being, shall we say…enhanced by an almost constant 20+ mph wind. Ick. There’s stuff hitting my house. So it seems like a good night to fire up everyone’s favorite feature of the ol’ game room.
Light 'em up
The great thing about all these rope lights is that they warm things up pretty nicely. 😀 I forgot how much I miss seeing this room all lit up sometimes.… Read more