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Rampant yumminess

Rampant yumminess
I’ve got some yum for everyone else’s tum too – we don’t just feed babies here you know. For dinner I’ve whipped up some fishy ricey buttery garlicy lemony mushroomy goodness, and for dessert (or for diiner, if you don’t care for fishy ricey buttery garlicy lemony mushroomy goodness, I suppose), sugar-free chocolate brownie muffin things with decidedly not-so-sugar-free frosting. (I suppose that’s on the same order of logic that sees some people ordering a diet Coke with their two Big Macs for lunch, but cut me a break, it’s the only frosting I had on hand.)

I’m getting kinda handy with this sort of thing, if one doesn’t count the china plate that I broke today while working on v1.0 of the rice dish. 😯 That sent a nice big piece of ostrich steak into the floor, and from there it magically traveled to Xena’s bowl outside, instantaneously transforming her into the happiest dog in the county.

Yum. (Don’t worry, this’ll all be gone by the time anyone reading this blog reaches the house.)… Read more

Home Base Music

Crash (minus time)

Reset the clock at 33 minutesIt finally happened to me tonight. The crash. My sister-in-law has been gleefully predicting it, oh, since about the time I started staying home with Evan while my wife went back to work. I suppose I had to know it was coming too. But it finally hit me this evening like a bag of bricks once my wife got home from work a bit later than usual. She came home after I’d been sitting on the toilet for a few minutes (and believe me, I wouldn’t belabor you with that detail if it wasn’t important to the story), a few minutes during which Evan had started getting fussy (see, I told you). He was at a full-bore wail by the time she walked in the door, and I wasn’t exactly in a position to get up and fix the problem; she immediately went to get him and determined that he and I were suffering from exactly the same problem at the same time! 😆 Anyway, I told her that I hadn’t gotten any nap time in, at all, and had only gotten a couple of hours sleep on Sunday night due to assorted fussiness and a full-blast crying fit, so I needed to take a nap.

For the first time since Evan was born, I woke up exactly eight hours later. My wife has evidently taken Evan, Olivia and Oberon to the master bedroom and closed the door. I’m assuming that I’m in the doghouse now, since I didn’t stay awake to prepare a meal or do the other stuff I usually do in the evenings.

The last thing I remember is looking into the living room from the bed in the nursery – things are lined up such that I can look through two doorways and see what my wife is doing on the couch – because Evan started crying while trying to nurse. I asked her what the problem was, and she said “[Arkansas football coach] Houston Nutt just quit! Didn’t even stay for the bowl game!” Now, I know, and I know that I said out loud, that no son of mine would be upset over that, and she said I needed to come in there and watch the news. And that’s the last thing I remember. My head hit the pillow with a resounding thud and I woke up almost exactly eight hours later with only Othello for company.

The problem has been that my body clock hasn’t so much been “rewired” by the baby as “dropped into a bathtub while still plugged into the wall outlet and short-circuited”. I’m taking care of him on an average 18-20 hours a day, with Sundays and Tuesdays as my only break. Sundays are still “work my ass off on the farm” days, so let me tell you, that’s not much of a break. The rest of the time, if I’m not already wide awake, my body expects to be woken up at three-hour intervals by the high-pitched announcement that I need to mix up a bottle of yum for my little buddy’s tum. (Yes, it’s official. With almost no one-on-one contact with the outside world, I have, in fact, descended into BabySpeak.) My wife will take the baby to sleep with her a couple of times a week, but even then, I wake up three hours after “I’m doing this so you can catch up on your rest” begins, and I cannot get back to sleep. It’s not because I get up and get on the internet or play games or watch TV; I think it’s become blazingly obvious that my internet presence has diminished tremendously over the past few weeks, often because the three-hours-of-sleep-at-a-time thing doesn’t do much for my clarity of thought for writing purposes either.

It’s like having a battery that you charge to only 1/4 of its capacity, and then you take it off the charger and use it in your camera, phone, iPod, laptop, what have you. Sure, it gets stuff done for a little bit. But you have to put it back on the charger sooner rather than later, and eventually it can’t hold a charge at all. And that was me tonight.

Please don’t think that this is in any way a complaint on my part about looking after my son. I chose this. This territory that’s usually thought of as housewife stuff, I chose it. My wife and I discussed this beforehand, and of the available options, I chose this. I wouldn’t miss this time with him for the world. As tired and cranky as I am when he wakes me up for a feeding, I can forgive anything in the world for the smile on that baby boy’s face the first time he sees me holding a bottle. Sometimes he smiles if I show up without it in hand. He doesn’t just have a bottle of formula in his pocket – he’s happy to see me. If you haven’t experienced it, there’s no way for me to describe what seeing that smile does to you. If you have, you know what I’m talking about, and you’re already preparing to laugh at me when that smiling infant turns into a cynical, sullen teenager someday.

I just need to figure something out about recharging the battery.

Complete, strip-the-gears non-sequitur here: there’s an interesting article on CNN about the one guy at the Weather Channel who picks out their local forecast music. Man, I remember when they used to play some really interesting stuff, back in the late ’80s when you’d hear some Jarre or Terry Riley stuff on there. The first thought that occurred to me upon reading that article was that I should send this guy a sampling of my own music, of which there are more than a few laid-back tracks, but the thought that occurred to me next was that, now that he’s been name-checked on the internet, something tells me he’s going to be getting more than 80 free samplers per month now. 😆

Also, it’s come to my attention that some portions of theLogBook are generating a virus warning from Sophos. There is no virus here. What’s triggering that is a WordPress add-on script to prevent right-click-and-save plagiarism and image theft, which is a bit of a hot-button thing with me (as anyone who was around me a couple of years ago will attest). I’m looking for other solutions in that area, but for now, I will begin shutting down the anti-right-click script in most areas of the site. Phosphor Dot Fossils, Pixel Fiction and Toybox will likely still be affected, since according to my site stats reports, that’s where most of the hotlinking takes place. But there’s no virus in those sections either. C’mon, folks, I run a cleaner ship than that. 😉… Read more

Home Base

Addressing an important issue

I’m putting this in my blog, since it may be marginally easier than sending out 150 e-mails. Due to some persistent problems we’ve been having with keeping our mailbox at the house intact, we’ve decided to open a new P.O. box. Also, since I rarely make it into Fort Smith anymore, we’ll be closing down the P.O. box there, which is the address most of my friends from the internets know me by. Effective rightaboutnowish, any and all mail should be sent to the new P.O. box we’ve opened much closer to home. Anyone who needs to know what that address is can find it here, he said evasively.

That’s all for now. I’m effectively brain-dead from the constant “charge the battery for 2 hours and then start over” of baby-watchin’. There’s gotta be some better way to manage my fatigue, but for the life of me I don’t know what it could be. Everyone do me a favor – if your mom stayed home from work and made caring for baby you her full time job, or if your dad did it, call them and thank them, and give ’em a big hug next time you see them. For they are superhuman. My problem right now is: I’m not. :-/ … Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Home Base Television & Movies

How I fed your mother

Man, I’m getting domestic in my old age. Not only did I feed Evan and change him all day, and not sleep a lot, but I whipped up some dinner for Jan before she got home (a rather tasty white cheddar rotini with broccoli and chicken thingie that I kinda hammered together) and some dessert (extreme chocolate brownies for her, chocolate-peanut-butter brownies for me). For my dinner, I finished off a pasta salad concoction that I threw together around lunchtime. Nobody’s starving in this house on my watch.

In the past 24 hours, Jan’s only had to worry about one feeding and one diaper change while I napped at around 9:30 tonight. I got up at about half past midnight to find that Evan’s mom had snuck off to her bed with him, but when he woke up for a bottle, she was strangely happy to hand him back over to me. 😆 He’s back in his crib now, with an Obi cat keeping his feet warm. The roaring winds have cooled things off drastically, so I have the little guy under a couple of layers of blankets, which he kept kicking off until Obi helpfully laid a single arm across his feet. (I tried to get a picture of this with the night vision setting on my camera, but it just didn’t turn out.) News flash: Evan smiles for daddy, and smiles for mommy, and smiles really big for Obi. He wuvs his kitty. I’d bet a substantial amount of money that his first word will be “Obi”.

I’m not sure what to do about Xena’s adopted kitten. I didn’t see that coming at all. We’re expecting a hard freeze tomorrow night, so I’m not sure how this is going to work out…Xena may like the little white and grey kitty, but the supreme council of housecats hasn’t signed off on the interloper.

The talk shows have hushed up with the advent of the WGA strike; soaps’ll be next, and then weekly shows. For those wondering what the writers are really demanding, J. Michael Straczynski explains it all for you. Granted, he simplifies things a great deal, but it’s about eight cents, folks. Not eight cents on the dollar, but eight cents per unit, which is a much smaller figure in the end. His post doesn’t address the internet/new media end of things, but I’m hoping he’ll tackle that one soon.

Hopefully no one’s put off by this week’s truncated update to the site; we may have to figure out “something else” with the episode guides, which are normally weekly bread and butter, if I can’t do better than this. One thought that has occurred to me is to present episode guides like not-every-week features – present them only when the season is completed. I’m not too sure about that though. theLogBook isn’t grinding to a halt just because I’ve got a giggling bundle of joy, but obviously there’s going to be a little bit of rearrangement of priorities here and there, and him keeping me up with hours and hours of binky blasts – which, by the great big grin on his face I see when I go to fix it, I’m convinced are absolutely intentional – instead of sleeping sure doesn’t help. 😆 … Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Home Base

Solo flight

Today my wife went back to work, and I stayed home with the little guy. It seemed to go well on all fronts, though there were one point during the day where he was crying his little head off because, for the first time, his mom left him home with me for a significent length of time. (I’m pretty confident that was the cause – I changed him, bathed him, fed him, tried to play with him and get him to calm down, gave him some tummy time, sang to him*, played him some new music, sat him in his bouncy chair, laid him in his crib and every bed in the house, you name it. Inconsolable.) I felt like I’d struck out on my first daddy day because I pretty much had to let him cry that one out. On those occasions, a couple of times a week, where he gets like that – usually at bed time – I wind up ushering any and all cats out of his room like Geordi La Forge evacuating a bunch of non-speaking-but-clearly-panicked extras away from a warp drive that’s about to explode on Star Trek, and closing the door as the last one out. Then I go and turn on the baby monitor and listen to him cry anyway. But today, since he’d resisted any attempts to sleep all day long, I set my alarm to get me up in an hour and then went to take a nap in the next room. There was nothing I could do for him, and I was exhausted.

Of course, his mom came home and he was a perfectly behaved little angel. 😛 (He had actually calmed down before then.)

But overall, it was a good day. I’ve got to do some serious work on his sleeping patterns, but I thought that today was a good start. The only time I got frazzled was with the crying fit, but that was more a case of being worried about him than being upset or exasperated with him. Even when he was waking me up every 20 minutes or so, I’d go and look at him and he’d flash me that little smile (which he has clearly learned to use to his best advantage) as if to say “Yeah, dad, I gotcha. I just blasted my binky and made you come and give it back to me. Ain’t I just a stinker?”

I’m disappointed that I’ve had no bites in the O2 community on helping me with the Binky Blast! game, by the way. I know that, in execution, it looks like an average O2 game, not a trendsetting, flashy G7400+ game that pushes the bounds of what the system can do, so I suppose it’s failed to capture the imagination. Maybe someday I can figure out how to program it myself.

Anyway, back on track: infinite respect to the stay-at-home moms and dads out there. Today was my trial by fire, and I know there’ll be days both better and worse than this ahead. But one look at that little face is more than enough to know it’s worth it. And my reward for today? Evan’s mom came home and cuddled him all night and then went off to snooze with the little guy.

I guess she missed him too.… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Critters Gadgetology Home Base

The Baby Monitor and other tales

After much complaining about our complete and utter lack of one, my wife finally got a baby monitor Sunday, and I immediately set about plugging it in and putting all the pieces in place. This has been incredibly handy to have around because, as I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned a time or two, having the Avid gear up and running is like having an airplane idling right next to you. If Evan’s down for a nap between feedings, and starts getting fidgety, I’m not going to hear it until he’s at a full-bore wail. Which probably means he’s woken his mom and I’m in really deep trouble. So a baby monitor isn’t an “oh, that would be nice” for me; it’s an “I need this.”

Abou the only drawback is that I get to listen to Evan FM all night – the aforementioned mix CD of baby music that I made for him. Good thing I like most of that stuff. But so far, it’s worked great. There’s just one little drawback. 1 night = 1 9-volt battery. Ugh.

Evan in the hood
Fig. 1 – Evan in the hood.Read more

Critters Gadgetology Home Base Should We Talk About The Weather? Television & Movies

Of dogs, storms, and really amateurish artwork

We had a pretty loud storm tonight, but there was more fanfare about it on TV than there was actual storm. (It had raised all kinds of hell in Tulsa, though, so it was worth at least watching the TV coverage to keep an eye on it.) One big clap of thunder woke Evan up. This was also one of the first times in months that Xena came into the house. I’ve gotten to where I let her sit out rainstorms out on the side deck, but when we’re talking hail and worse, yeah, I’m a softie, the dog gets to come in. Naturally, she crashed out, Olivia played with her tail, Obi slept next to her, and she stood guard over Evan. Everybody loves the little guy.

Today was one of those days where I just didn’t have the brainpower to do anything useful, and was leaving the Avid powered down for the whole day (the first tornado watch was popped on us before noon), so I did a little bit of just-for-the-sheer-heck of it design work, and joined the ranks of those who do fan-made Doctor Who DVD covers. Rather than do the 37th cover for some well-known episode that hasn’t even officially been released yet, however, or a “fantasy football” cover for a lost story, I decided to go way off the beaten path: I thought I’d do a DVD cover for a fan film. I altered the basic template a bit and added the now-standard “From the world of BBC-TV’s Doctor Who…” wording that accompanies spinoff productions like Big Finish’s Dalek Empire audios, and came up with this:

Daemos Rising DVD cover

(You can download the full-res printable version here. The nifty 3-D mockup abo0ve was generated by an insanely useful program called Imandix Cover, which you can download free here.) While I’m happy with the intent of the artwork, the actual execution is just a bit crap – since it was all done with screencaps from the DVD itself, the main artwork, when you look at it really close up, is very pixellated. Still, I’d like to think I wasn’t a zillion miles off stylistically; I’ve posted it to the forums at Outpost Gallifrey, where I’m sure that my assessment of “crap” may be confirmed very quickly. 😆 But not to be dissuaded, I’m already working on another cover, this time for a series of irreverent “I Love The ’80s”-style documentary segments that aired in 2003. So if I want to burn these to DVD, I can put a cover on the DVD that’ll look something like:

Who @ 40 Weekend DVD cover

I tried to be a little more…well…artistic with this one. K-9 and the time vortex are screen grabs, while the TARDIS is a 3-D model that I rendered myself. I’d like to tackle Shakedown: Return Of The Sontarans soon, just because…well…it’d be kinda relevant at the moment. 😉 For giggles, I ran my old Countdown To Looking Glass cover through Imandix, which didn’t like the dimensions and chopped some of the artwork off:

Countdown To Looking Glass DVD cover

…oops. Guess I need to take that one back to the drawing board before I go too far into Who territory. Though ironically, I still like the CTLG artwork better than either of the Who pieces.

Also on my to-do list: an official Doctor Who DVD cover for Olivia vs. the Dalek. 😆… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Home Base

Running on empty

Sorry I haven’t been updating much lately, folks. Funny how a little bundle o’ joy can keep a guy busy. He’s been having some tummy troubles, and I’m really concerned that my genetic gift to him may have been my wonky digestive system. I hope not, because I wouldn’t wish the problems I have with that set of plumbing on anyone. He’s had a rough 24 to 36 hours here, including one little incident where he basically barfed up the entire contents of his stomach. That sort of thing wipes me out when it happens – I can’t imagine how it’s gotta feel to a two-and-a-half-week-old baby. I think there’s a reason most people don’t remember that far back in their childhood – it’s a dismal mess being a helpless little human. It’d probably drive us mad. (Says the slightly crazy guy who vividly remembers his second birthday.)

I’ve been spending time working on the CGE DVD, working up more demo videos for PDF and Pixel Fiction, and getting very depressed looking at stuff like job listings. I’m all about being a stay-at-home dad, but at the moment, when we have one vastly minimized paycheck coming in and we’re trying to figure out how to pay the bills, me sitting around and burping the baby and editing video is starting to feel like I’m being a dismal failure as a dad already. Don’t get me wrong, I know that the time spent with Evan is something that I could never replace for any amount of money…but I’m worried about keeping a roof over his head, that sort of thing. The job market in this area isn’t promising – basically, if you’re south of Fayetteville, you’re just about screwed. Even if you’re willing to work an assembly line, the factories are ditching this area and making a run for the border. Too many people are already out of work. I’m just in the middle of a string of days where I feel like accidentally falling into a vat of molten metal somewhere and triggering my life insurance payout would be more of a help to my wife and my son than anything I’m doing now by being here. (Don’t read too much into that – I don’t even know where to find a vat of molten metal, so the kid is stuck with me.)

As much as you think I’d be digging being at home with an Avid at my disposal and all kinds of time to work on stuff like my web site, I’m not sure there’s much that makes me happier right now than holding my son, looking into those little eyes and wondering what’s going on in that little head. I’d love to trade places with him and have not a care in the world other than poopy pants.… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Home Base

Cry wolf and let slip the…um…wolves and stuff.

Jesus. You people are probably starting to think that I’m making all this baby stuff up by now.

With a number of factors in play, including the insurance angle which completely befuddles me, we’re in a holding pattern until Monday. No baby this weekend, sorry. My apologies for what must continually seem like crying wolf. I’d love to be cuddling up to a baby tomorrow. But I’d also like for my wife, who has to do the really painful legwork on getting him here, to be comfortable with the timetable. She’s in bed right now with Olivia purring her to sleep. Me, I’m agitatedly sitting here shoveling new game reviews into the PDF database by the half-dozen, and watching the anything-but-classic 1984 Doctor Who story Warriors Of The Deep as it dubs to DVD-R, and wondering, indeed, why anyone would want Warriors Of The Deep on DVD. But I’m a Johnny Byrne fan – he also wrote The Keeper Of Traken and, oh, about 70% of Space: 1999 (and still hasn’t gotten a royalty check from Berman & Braga for the number of Voyager episodes that completely ripped off Space: 1999) – and I’ll get Warriors whenever it officially comes out on DVD just to hear him go off (albeit in his own classy, eloquent way) on what a hash they made of his script.

I’m sure you guys think I’m barking mad to be casually going on about action figure collecting, old video games, and DVDs while waiting for the little guy’s arrival. Hopefully you realize that some of this is purely a coping mechanism, self-distraction at its most blatant.… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Home Base

T minus 1 day?

Okay, so here’s the score at halftime.

We’re not in labor, but mom has been depressed and miserable for over 24 hours. So we’re back to plan “A” – she goes into the hospital at midnight tonight to begin the process of inducing labor so we can have a baby around this time tomorrow. Now, she’s still locked up tighter than Fort Knox, so I have very little doubt that a C-section is going to go hand-in-hand with the induction. Put simply, This Is Gonna Hurt. She’s been home from work for four weeks, out of six weeks of paid maternity leave, and my reading up on the subject has been that recovery from a C-section is a 6-to-8-week thing in and of itself – and that’s assuming that the woman can then return to a desk job, not something physical like delivering the mail. Also, if she’s recovering from a C-section, I’ll probably need to stay home to take care of her and Evan, rather than trying to keep part-timing. So…we’ve got a problem, and one whose solution I’m not sure of. I get no paid leave from my part-time gig – if I don’t show up, I don’t get paid – so we’re looking at a bit of pain on the purse strings here. (Hey, at least Evan’s got a ready-made food supply until further notice – I’d probably join him at the buffet line except I’m sure I’d get the crap slapped outta me.)

Please don’t anyone mistake this for a beg, solicitation, or anything else. This is really just me trying to work out in my head How We’re Going To Do This. Jan’s got some insurance paperwork in to claim disability on her random wild blood pressure from a while back, so that might help. I’m not a big fan of people who file for disability at the drop of a hat, but I think this one is perfectly justified. I’m already trying to set up something to do some stuff on a telecommute basis for my part-time gig, but that’ll probably put enough money in my pocket for half a cheeseburger, and I don’t even know if it’s the half with the cheese or not. The video work is variable at best, and while I placed one ad in Entertainment Fort Smith’s bridal issue that netted me two cold calls – one of which was hands-down one of the rudest jerks I’ve ever dealt with in my life – it’s clear that the video work is going to have to come from outside the area to make that a viable source of income. And I’m not sure how to start there when I can’t get more than two local cold calls from an ad in what was supposed to be the biggest issue of the year (though I’m not going to go into why a bridal issue would be published in July, a month after, oh, say, the big bridal month, but there ya go, says the guy who got married on July 1st). Guess my ad writing skills ain’t all that and a bag of microchips, eh?

Of course, for the moment, I’ll just be happy if I’m looking at my baby boy this time tomorrow. That’s what really matters.… Read more