Funny Stuff Music

A very forced music meme: my life according to John Williams’ Star Wars soundtracks!

Remember this goofy music meme?

“Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Tag at least 15 people you like and include me. You can’t use the band I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It’s a lot harder than you think! Repost your own note as “My Life According to (Band Name)”.”

Well, let’s try it with nothing but track titles from John Williams’ Star Wars music! … Read more

Funny Stuff

Twitizen Kane

Every couple of days I go to’s Twitter account and “tweet” whatever interesting new updates there are to all of about six or seven people, roughly half of whom are folks who already write for and, as such, know what’s coming up anyway. Maybe Twitter is one of these social technologies that’s just “too young for me,” but I’m not sure I’m a good… well… twit. I don’t follow other folks or spend more than a couple of minutes on the site a day (a marked contrast to my Facebook addiction), and I don’t talk 2 u in cool txt msg spk. (My old TV promo job involved packing info into a very small space – soemtimes as small as 4 seconds – so using an economy of actual words instead of bastardized abbreviations is actually a specialty of mine. I refuse 2 resort 2 txt msg spk…D’OH!

I also don’t use theLogBook’s Twitter account to blast my personal status report across the ‘net (or, as I refer to it, assisted stalking). I do enough of that on Facebook (and furthermore it’s only seen by folks who I’ve approved to be on the list), and I only do it on Facebook if I actually have something to report or some clever one-liner to throw out there. Most of my Facebook status updates have to do with taking care of the kiddo.

The plain, simple truth is that I don’t do anything interesting enough during the average day to merit something like Twitter or, arguably, Facebook. I sit at home, looking for promising job listings (and see very few because I’m not a registered nurse with a class “A” commercial drivers’ license who’s also fluent in Spanish). I scratch my butt, my nose, occasionally my shoulder. I eat stuff. I poop later. I work on video projects (literally about the most interesting thing that I do, period, and I guarantee you that you’d put it in the same category as watching paint dry if you were here watching me work on it), I write stuff, I drop the kiddo off for day care for a few hours so he can be with kids his age instead of a kid his dad’s age, I play with the cats, I watch the weather. I occasionally take a nap, and I seldom give one. Thrilling, eh?

Some days I wonder quite what I’m doing on the internet; I’m not sure anyone would notice if I suddenly wasn’t.

So maybe I’m missing the point of Twitter, and maybe it’s early days yet, but thus far, I’m really not seeing much of a benefit from theLogBook’s Twitter account. I’ll give it about another month; if, by that time, half of the “followers” list still consists of folks who already know what’s on the site, I’ll probably ditch it and save myself a little time.… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Funny Stuff


When I took Evan to day care today, he was so excited to be there that he barrelled right through the moveable barrier than runs down the middle of his classroom, and knocked it over. As you can imagine, without the barrier, you suddenly have toddlers bouncing all over the place like ricocheting pinballs. Baby stampede!

When I went to pick him up later, he did the same thing, only all the little guys and gals followed him toward the door. I guess he’s told them good things about his daddy or something; at this rate I need to paint half of his face blue every day before taking him to day care, so he can lead the charge to FREEDOM!!!

Revolutionary rebel at 22 months old? Uh…yeah, I guess that’s my fault.… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Funny Stuff

Yes, that is precisely what I meant.

Godzilla & son, lizards at lawSo Evan’s had this pesky cough for a few days; it’s really worst overnight and first thing in the morning. I’ve tried to take this occasion to teach him to cover his mouth when he coughs. As it so happens, I’ve come down with this same cough myself, so I’ve had plenty of occasions to lead by example. A few times I’ve covered his mouth to try to reinforce the idea.

Yesterday when I took him to day care, I was signing him in at the front desk when he started coughing. I gently reminded him that he was forgetting to do something.

So he calmly walked over to me, grabbed my left hand, put it over his mouth – like I’d been doing at home – and coughed.

Well, he was kinda getting the idea. I don’t even want to think about how he handled this problem after I left him there…… Read more

Funny Stuff

The blood test

Colossus is watching youOver on Rob’s blog, there’s an interesting entry involving door-to-door alarm system sales, social engineering, and business practices that carry the whiff of both scam and scum. He also provides a further link to a consumer complaint site with an active comment section on the very company being represented. Not good – but then, look at things on the ground floor, i.e. the hiring level:

This is an in home presentation sales position. No experience required, training provided. We provide some leads/appointments for you but prospecting is also required.

The fact that the address one is asked to contact in this Craigslist ad is [dude’s name]adt at gmail doesn’t instill me with much hope either – if dude doesn’t even have a company e-mail address, I start to wonder if the shadowy outlines of multi-level marketing aren’t becoming visible. In other words, if I respond to that ad, interview successfully and get hired, will I then be expected to – in addition to pounding the pavement – place my own ad and recruit my own “downline” like dude did here?

I betcha I would.

Then again, I’m at the point in my job hunt where looking at online job listings, Craigslist or otherwise, is more of a stress-relieving exercise in belly laughs than anything. There was a Craigslist ad seeking a “personal assistant” for a “busy businessman” who could type, file, take calls, schedule meetings and have “a little fun after five” (!!), and then there’s a opening for an “Assistant Bank Manater” – now, of course, this is an obvious typo, and looking at where the keys are on the keyboard, it’s easy to deduce that they’re actually trying to hire an Assistant Bank Manatee.

Before I move on to a specimen of door-to-door sales-being war stories from my own files, I recommend Rob’s blog to you – in between other topics, he addresses a lot of security and social engineering-related topics that are a bit eye-opening. It’s worth a look.

Out here in the boonies where I live now, door-to-door sales just aren’t a force to be reckoned with – not unless you can find someone willing to walk half a mile between stops in the middle of the summer. (Good luck. Most manatees, assistant or otherwise, are aquatic and will not survive this environment, and therefore do not need to apply.) The closest we have is door-to-door religion peddlers; I have even less patience for someone trying to cleanse my soul by these means than I do for someone trying to cleanse my tile floor. For a fee, naturally, whichever way you go. My dog usually handles these calls quite successfully:

Xena answers your calls Xena answers your calls

One time when I wound up with a door-to-door religion peddler who braved the canine security system, I simply answered the door with Othello and my shoulder and referred to him (the big black cat, that is) as my familiar. For some reason that conversation drew to a very swift conclusion. The power of kitty compels you!

Now, my apartment in Green Bay was a whole different story. We had people trying to sell us magazines, makeup, and everything in between. Sometimes these so-called “people” also happened to be our own so-called “neighbors”. But one Sunday, when I was home folding laundry and catching up on Deep Space Nine episodes on tape, back when there were new Deep Space Nine episodes and back when people recorded stuff on tape, the person at the door was a total stranger.

That’s okay too. As it happened, he was trying to sell some catch-all cleaning product which could supposedly get anything out of anything. He even said it’d clean concrete floors; the great thing about my apartment in Wisconsin was that it had an actual basement with the same square footage as the ground level floor or the upstairs floor. Not that this guy knew that – but I decided I’d be helpful and educate him.

“Did you say this would get stuff out of concrete and not even leave a stain?” I asked, parroting what he’d just said to me almost word-for-word. “The underground basement level in these apartments has concrete floors.”

He nodded eagerly, probably thinking “Bingo! I’ve got one!”

“Will it get…blood out?” I asked.

He just nodded this time, a little bit less certain of how the pitch was going.

“How much is in that bucket?” I asked, indicating the gigantinormous plastic bucket of sample product he was hauling around. “Do you have another bucket like that with you? I’ll take them both right now. Because I need a lot.” I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows madly. All friendly-like.

He gave me a funny look and said, “Uh…sure. Let me go get it. Out of my car.” And took his sample bucket with him – kind of odd, I thought, since surely he was about to make a sale.

Even more strange was the fact that he never came back. Was it something I said?

I probably should’ve told him I’d flooded the basement with water to accomodate my pet, and now had assistant manatee poop to clean up. I mean, holy crap, this stuff could get anything out of anything.… Read more

Funny Stuff Television & Movies

Asteroids: The Movie

AsteroidsThis is gonna rock. Ha! Get it? And no, I’m not joking – check out this item from the Hollywood Reporter

As opposed to today’s games, there is no story line or fancy world-building mythology, so the studio would be creating a plot from scratch. Universal, however, is used to that development process, as it’s in the middle of doing just that for several of the Hasbro board game properties it is translating to the big screen, such as “Battleship” and “Candyland.”

So, as long as there are asteroids in Asteroids, and someone is shooting at them, we’re golden. … Read more

Critters Funny Stuff

You’ll be malfunctioning within a day or two. And so will your dog.

A bit of background here: several years ago, my dog attracted several potential suitors despite the fact that we’d been told she was already spayed (hint: she wasn’t). It was kind of like the dog version of The Bachelorette, in that you didn’t so much have lots of moon-eyed soft-focus close-ups in fabulously romantic mansions and vacation spots, as you walked out the door to see dogs gettin’ it on in the front yard. (Thankfully, this was years before Evan was born – how in the world would we explain such a sight now? “Well, son, they’re hiking the Appalachian Trail…” But I digress.)

Both of the dogs pictured in that earlier blog entry still live near here, and they still drop by, often bearing gifts – as if to say “Pleeeeeeeeease, can we do that thing again? ohpleaseohpleaseohplease!” These days, post-spay, Xena’s more like “Howdy, want to follow me down to the pond on the adjacent property and go swimming? Maybe gang up and kill one of the pond geese or something?” It’s altogether unlikely that she’s physically capable of caring any less. (I really need to learn her secret someday, my life would be much happier. Or maybe I need to go kill a goose to release the tension? Anyway…) The male dogs bring her dead deer (or pieces thereof) and other strong candidates for road kill – it gets disgusting, especially once it’s built up that beautiful aroma that only comes from not-so-freshly-dead animal carcass that’s been baking in the noonday sun. Guess who gets to dispose of these “gifts” from Xena’s boyfriends? Who else?

So imagine my unfettered delight when my wife informs me that the backbone and ribcage of some unfortunate creature has been left at the top of our driveway by some ex-boyfriend of Xena’s. Nothing says romance around this house like dead things. When I walked out to look at this latest gift from the gods, er, sorry, dogs, I was completely perplexed. At least the usual dead things have some meat on them – there’s some practical value to a dog. This poor thing, whatever it had been, had no such value.


But once I laid eyes on it, I realized that, as the head of the household, I had a responsibility to do the only thing that would resolve the situation to anyone’s benefit and with any kind of dignity whatsoever. … Read more