Funny Stuff Television & Movies Toiling In The Pixel Mines


Part of my job at work is to make sure that there’s closed captioning on all of our programming. Airing something without captioning can net a heavy fine, and would probably get me fired if I wasn’t already staring down the barrel of being laid off in a couple of months when the operations center moves up north.

But sometimes, it would help, it really would… if the people who type in the captioning, even in an unpredictable live TV environment… would pay attention to what the hell they’re typing.Read more

Funny Stuff Should We Talk About The Weather?

Maybe you’d better rephrase that

Let me be the first to say that there’s nothing funny about the severe weather that’s been killing folks by the dozen across the southern states. I’ve seen videos of Alabama tornadoes tonight that make me want to mess my pants, even though I’m on Youtube. Stuff like that makes me feel pretty sheepish about posting cell phone photos of the relatively mousy little rotating wall cloud that drifted over my house last night.

That being said, I’ve always thought that one of the first duties one has after something like this is to find a reason to smile. And the following gem from fits the bill nicely. … Read more

Funny Stuff Toiling In The Pixel Mines

Death from above

When you work with teevee weather people, you’re used to thunderstorm warnings and tornado warnings and flash flood warnings… but this morning, live on the air, our weatherman had a new one to deal with:

Virus alert!

…a virus warning!

As always when these things happen unannounced, there’s a lot of talk about improving the warning system… like, oh, say, NOT HAVING IT POP UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN ON THE AIR.

I wonder how many folks are still trying to debug their HDTVs. 😆

FacepalmRead more

Funny Stuff

Memo to Charlie Sheen

Dear Mr. Sheen,

I’ve been authorized by the entire known universe to inform you that no one really gives the tiniest fraction of a shit anymore. Seriously. The only reason anyone’s still paying attention is the vicarious thrill of listening to a crackhead’s meandering rants without having to put up with the horrible smell(s) and general discomfort that would come with actual physical proximity. No one’s in your corner. You’re a kind of performing, methed-out poodle.

Dear press corps(e),

Stop giving this clown even so much as a few seconds of airtime or even so much as an inch of column space. Nations are falling, people are dying, the entire shape of the world as we know it is changing around us. The performing poodle’s assertion that he’s embroiled in some kind of righteous battle is laughable – and I’m trying to be charitable here, it’s actually somewhere between laughable and pitiful – when there are people in the world who are actually engaged in a struggle for their lives and freedom from tyranny.

I’m gonna say it again for everyone’s benefit: performing poodle. One who can’t even jump through a hoop anymore.… Read more