...And Little E Makes 3 Funny Stuff

…and THAT’S how important video games are in this house.

TronVideo games are a pretty big deal in our house. Even though I’ve liquidated large chunks of my formerly sizeable collection, I still think it’s a bigger deal that I’ve been a writer for various video game publications and web sites, sometimes even on a paid basis, and even when I’ve been a stay-at-home dad, the PDF DVDs have brought in the bacon. My interest in this particular field of entertainment has helped the family out quite a bit. (I’m hoping that my equally-obsessive interest in other things can have a similar effect, but we’ll talk about the June release date for VWORP!1 another time.) Video games have also inspired my son to keep striving to learn how to read, because all of the little on-screen descriptions in Super Mario World aren’t going to read themselves. Video games are a force for good in this family.

But just how important are they? … Read more

And Beyond The Infinite Funny Stuff

So this is what NASA’s come to after the shuttle


(For real- from the NASA Orion Twitter account.)

I shouldn’t laugh – the space shuttle Enterprise (whose Earthbound adventures I just happened to be researching last night for a project I’m working on) went on these kind of goodwill tours all the time, including a much-ballyhooed 1979 stop at the airport in Tulsa (why wasn’t I there for that? I shoulda been all over that.) There’s just something sad and incongruous about “y’all c’mon down for low low prices and see the new Command Module!” 😆 I still have much NASA love going on even while we’re in another late-’70s-style doldrums*. And who’s to say this won’t recruit some future astronauts who might otherwise never set eyes on anything that’s headed for space?

* referring to the period between Apollo-Soyuz (1975) and the first shuttle flight (1981) during which there was no American manned presence in space. For a kid who’d just had a lifelong love of space switched on so forcefully (ha!) by Star Wars, this was a painful period.… Read more

Funny Stuff

The All-Purpose “tell everyone on Facebook I feel strongly about something” emergency kit

For some reason tonight, I’m feeling artsy-fartsy and sarcastic. I’m feeling like tipping over apple carts and pissing people off… well, just for the lulz, really. Good thing I’m no longer anywhere near a transmitter of any kind!Read more

Funny Stuff ToyBox

They see me rollin’… they beepin’…

What a week it’s been. Major hack of the site (fixed), turned down for a couple of jobs that I was totally qualified for (getting used to it with a certain grim inevitability), been sick (blargh)… tonight I spotted this bizarre configuration of toys in Little E’s room and thought to myself… man, I wish I was having as much fun as these guys.

Bots gone wild

😆 (Sorry about the out-of-focus-ness, I really only had one shot at the picture before the boy gathered up his buddies for robot roll call at bedtime.) Thanks for the laugh, little guy.… Read more