One of my beloved Samsung LCD monitors bit the dust today: dead lamp. This is the first dead lamp I’ve had in over 10 years of not doing CRTs (except as TVs that sit across the room – still haven’t made the leap to HD yet, despite the whole forced-obsolescence thing – my brother’s 23″ Zenith color TV that went to college with him and back is still working, thank you very much). This is a pain-in-the-butt loss because the Samsung screens had baseband (RCA) video and audio inputs as well as VGA – they were pretty dandy for hauling to OVGE and hooking old video games up to.
Also, it was a pain in the butt to unplug everything and grab another monitor to put in its place. The cable leading to the monitor’s AC adapted fell behind my desk into the veritable Sargasso Sea of wires and cables, and I needed to retrieve it somehow. My son has a “grabber” (the same thing they market to old folks and disabled people) that he inherited from my wife, who uses it at work (but not because she’s old or disabled). He inherited it because it didn’t quite work the way she needed it to for work purposes. I asked him if I could borrow it.
ME: Can I borrow your grabber?
E: I lost it. [he says this a lot]
ME: Can you find a stick that I can get this cable with?
E: A stick?
ME: Yeah. Even better if it has something on the end so I can hook this cable.
E: I don’t have a hooker, dad.
Good thing too, son. You wouldn’t be getting an allowance for chores anymore if you did.… Read more