Bringing Boss’ story to a close.
I hate this. I hate writing this so much.
With Boss running a fever of 103 (very bad news for a little guy), it seems likely that he isn’t going to make it. Reluctantly, we gave Boss up to our vet, who could give him 24-hour care in an effort to save him. The part that sucks is…if Boss makes it through the night, he’s theirs to keep. Now, let me be up front here – I’d rather have him alive, healthy, and living somewhere else with someone else than lose him. After all, that’s the whole point of this horse-breeding business that my wife and her family engage in. It may seem like a massive game of Pokemon with equine genetics, trying to see what combination of bloodlines produces an Arabian horse that conforms to a set of ideals set by humans (and yes, there is indeed a whole can of worms there, possibly a six-pack of such cans, which I just don’t feel like digging into now)…but the end result is, hopefully, a hearty and attractive enough combination of said bloodlines, embodied in a beautiful filly or colt, that someone else will want to buy for a lot of money so they can cross this new specimen with one of their own. The idea was to raise Boss and sell him sooner or later. … Read more