Critters Music Serious Stuff

These guys just about read my mind

I woke up today at 1:30pm with the sound of dogs barking, phones ringing, and voices. Not a good combination. I went outside to see what the heck was going on, and there was a truckload of contract workers trying to cut a path through our hideously-overgrown pasture to inspect the utility poles that are out there (there are 2 or 3). The problem: Xena was alarm-barking these guys, and fiercely. That’s the second time she’s done that in a week (the last time was, amusingly enough, when my mother-in-law stopped by to borrow our Christmas wrapping paper). Xena usually presents the illusion of a Big, Mean Dog in our yard, which I’m sure – along with the unkempt exterior of the place – has kept intruders away. But apparently something has happened recently that has inspired her to act the part with gusto. Even more amusingly, Sparky showed up to back her up. These guys who were just trying to do their job were not happy. The voice on the other end of the phone was someone with the Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative, who was also not happy. Would it have just killed them to provide us with some advance notice that this was going to happen today? Xena would’ve stayed inside, and never would’ve called her little buddy (and, undoubtedly, his little buddy) for backup.
As we’ve been getting closer to Christmas, I’ve had a bit of a rant building up in response to such things as the political correctness fervor over Christmas trees and whatnot, and lo and behold, a couple of guys have saved me the trouble, read my mind, and said almost exactly what I’ve been thinking for a few years now: What the hell happened to Christianity? Good reading. Maybe now Christianity – which is simultaneously one of the world’s largest religions, and yet many practitioners of whom are also among the first to act like they’re still victims stuck in the coliseum with the lions – might just understand why there’s a bit of a bullseye painted on their back. After years of being co-opted by a political regime that’s tried to claim they have a “Christian” agenda whilst trying to strongarm the rest of the world into thinking their way, it’s no wonder we have Rabbis demanding that Christmas trees be taken down. The wheel turns. The Christian Right has just bought those of us who, while believers, happen to be moderates or even liberals, several years of grief.
Going from there to the Ask And Ye Shall Receive department, I got the Doctor Who CD in the mail today – man, is this a Whovian Christmas or what? I’ve been tiding myself over for several weeks with the Cardiff Children In Need concert, but the CD is even better. The Tooth And Claw teaser monk music? It’s there. Original synth-heavy version of “Westminster Bridge”? Check. Doomsday music? Bingo. “Love Don’t Roam” is a damned nifty song, though I wish they’d at least included the original “Song For Ten” as a bonus track (but fear not, it can be found here for what I suspect is a limited time – I’ll be a-burnin’ that to CD, thanks to the BBC!). Turns out I got the Limited Edition version after all, though the slipcase is the only real prize there – the “bonus badge” is tiny. 😆 Great music, though, and the track-by-track commentary from Murray Gold is interesting. This has been a great soundtrack year, especially in the TV department, and just a great music year overall, which I’ll cover in a forthcoming installment. The indie labels, especially the boutique soundtrack specialty labels, have definitely earned the money they’ve gotten out of me this year. Gapporin did a top ten of 2006 in his LiveJournal blog recently, and I’ve probably got a top 20 or top 25 in me. Hell, I’ve probably got the top 20 or 25 of the year in my travel bag that goes to work with me every night. (Yeah, I admit, it’s a big honkin’ man-purse, whose contents have more to do with my sanity than my job. Deal with it.)
The stuff I got for my wife for Christmas arrived today. Good stuff! Now I’ve just gotta hide it…
By the way, for fans of “AL-TV,” this just in from my inbox: “AL-TV” will premiere tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 15) at 8 PM Eastern (check your local listings!) on VH-1. Al will be showcasing many of the videos from “Straight Outta Lynwood,” as well as “interviewing” some of his “friends” in the “music industry!”Read more

Critters Funny Stuff Toiling In The Pixel Mines

Dog Opera

Xena has a new boyfriend. He’s howling at the house outside.
Now, she’s already got at least a couple of ’em. You may remember this incident from a couple of years ago where she attracted a couple of four-legged suitors, who proceeded to bonk her silly until we had her rewired. Those dogs still come around, but they of course no longer have interest in trying to procreate with her, though I think the black dog is still just a little bit smitten with her – he brings her golf balls, tennis balls, dead animals, neighborhood children and other handy household items to play with, almost like a peace offering that he hopes might just bring those glands back whose smell he likes so much. 😆
This dog is also black, and obviously a young pup. He’s been around for about a week, and lives somewhere up around the bend on the road we live on. Tonight when I got home at around 1:00am, Xena and her new buddy came bounding down the middle of the road toward me when I crossed the street in the dark to fix our perpetually-falling-over mailbox yet again (it’s becoming a daily repair job). Now, as fast and as carelessly as people take that corner (which also happens to explain the state of my mailbox), I’m not thrilled at the prospect of any dog just carelessly playing in the middle of the street, and even more not thrilled to find that my dog is one of ’em.
I tried to pet Xena’s new friend when he stood up and tried to introduce me to his little friend. Oh dear. He then proceeded to chase Xena into the yard and tried to hump her repeatedly. Sometimes she’d stand there and let him try, other times she’d turn around and try to bite him. He’d then back off, whimper loudly, and then have another go. (I could’ve told him: this approach simply doesn’t work.) Xena was more than ready to go into the house with me. So was Mr. Red Rocket. I practically had to brain the little guy with my shoulder bag to keep him from following us into the house.
He then stood outside and the high-pitched whining began…and then he began serenading the house with full-blast Dog Opera. Xena, having just stuffed her face, laid down in the middle of the living room, covered her ears with her front legs as best she could, and went to sleep. Olivia stared at this interloper through the window and then moved on with her life. He’s gone away and come back to howl some more, and gone away again, serenading the front door, the window to my game room (as soon as lights came on in there), the back deck, and even the side of the house with the vent for the dryer when I ran a load of clothes. Xena shows absolutely zero interest.
If he’d drop the whiney routine and bring her some presents to help us keep our dog toy budget down, I’d say he’s a suitable candidate. But based on his behavior tonight, all I got a say is “not with my not-so-little four-legged girl, you don’t.”
I’m working on the blooper reel right now, actually picking out music for it. “Slag Solution” by Hot Butter is currently my favorite candidate – I like whimsical with a little edge to it, and you can’t beat early Moogs with a bit of waka-chika guitar going on in the background. (The reason I’m doing the blooper reel at home is…well…eh. I’ll explain another time.)
Speaking of editing and Avids and stuff, I did a news package tonight since I had a bit of downtime (and since I’m not supposed to edit or do anything blooperish on work equipment and on the clock…eh…), and I thought it turned out really nice – Everett shot all the video, and I just put stuff together in the order he came up with for the piece. We don’t do a lot of stuff like this, and in this case we had some excellent newsreel material to work from, and for my money I think it’s pretty darn touching. Click here to watch it. (I had to start a whole new “news packages” category in my work blog just to accomodate it – I suppose I’m now obliged to go back and find the previous news pieces I’ve edited, including one which won an AP award.) I’ve got to redo the Flash encoding because it doesn’t seem to want to show you the version with no music (and who can blame it?), but it’ll be fixed tomorrow night.
The anniversary of Pearl Harbor also falls on my maternal grandfather‘s birthday. He was an award-winning photographer (a skill which sadly isn’t genetic), and possibly the only person in my family who ever really fully “got” what I was doing, getting into the audiovisual media. I think he would’ve dug this piece, so it’s dedicated to him. … Read more

Critters Gadgetology Home Base ToyBox

Then again, maybe not

Okay, so Raquina’s not expecting. She’s just getting fat. Which doesn’t help her next year when we breed her and she is expecting. Looks like it’s time for me and the li’l nibbler (okay, she’s not that little anymore – at the beginning of the second half of this video, she’s the horse who almost runs over me) to do some walking. (Seriously, she follows me around. And tries to nibble anything relatively loose that I’m wearing – jackets, hats, you name it. Hence the nickname.)
Speaking of video, I bet that even if you have a Transmat Dalek, it doesn’t do this. Neat little practical lighting effect – no video trickery whatsoever!
OK, now that my weekend “Christmas by way of eBay” is over, it’s time to reveal the spoils of my mad consumer lust. 😆 … Read more

Critters Gadgetology

It’s starting to look like we’re expecting…

…a baby horse next year. Here, what’d you think I was gonna say? 😛 Raquina’s huge. With a capital H and a capital UGE. She’s either going to have a baby, or she’s eaten one and we just haven’t noticed which one is missing yet. When the ultrasound was done, her breeding seemed not to have “taken,” and we just kinda threw our arms up in the air and said “oh well, there’s always next year.”
I’m really down because my Slightly Extended Weekend is almost over. It’s nigh-on-impossible for me to wind up with a three-day weekend without being deathly ill throughout the whole thing, so I’ve enjoyed it tremendously. I’ve slept a lot, because by golly, I’ve needed to catch up on sleep. I’m unashamed to say that, Friday and Saturday, I got 10+ hours of sleep each day. Because I’ve been freakin’ exhausted.
Some awesome eBay finds tonight, including one which is a real doozie, and one which is something I’ve literally wanted for almost 20 years. Some stuff is Avid-related. I’ll do the customary show-and-tell when it all gets here.
I’ve been doing some Avid stuff when I haven’t been asleep or at the farm. Mainly video for the site, catching up on PDF demo videos and starting to crank out the first few Pixel Fiction demo videos. (I think there’s been one already, for Katamari, so maybe that’s a misnomer.) Now, I’ve been asked a couple of times, “Surely, with all of that power in your hands, you’ve not just going to crank out game demo videos for the site, or make Olivia blow Daleks up, or do spaceship animations.” … Read more

Critters Funny Stuff ToyBox


Olivia bites a Dalek

  1. This kitten cannot stay out from in front of a camera.
  2. Why couldn’t she have done this when I was shooting video? 😆

I promise, this is the last Olivia vs. Daleks post for a while. I’m not sure the Daleks can take much more damage from her. 😛… Read more

Critters Funny Stuff Toiling In The Pixel Mines ToyBox

Olivia vs. the Daleks

So I shot some video this morning of the remote control “Darleks” in action. Hooboy. Y’know, I think I like ’em better when they’re sitting still and being quiet. They don’t have the most powerful drives in the world – they either get “redirected” or just plain stuck in the grout between my kitchen floor tiles. One of them only has one working “head light.” I made rare use of my camera’s infrared feature to try to document just what’s going on with the IR signals between the two Daleks, which is kinda cool. And…of course…Olivia stopped by.
Olivia vs. the Daleks
We just couldn’t keep away, now could we?
Olivia vs. the Daleks
Olivia sits patiently in the background of the infrared shot.
Olivia vs. the Daleks
In fact, the little stinker’s going to wind up in the photos for the finished article! Oh well, that gives it personality…
Olivia vs. the Daleks
As you can see, she’s really terrified of the little dustbins.
Also, as promised, the Hearst automated alert system – slightly edited to keep the confirmation number private:
My Boss Is Stephen Hawking
😆… Read more