
Dustin Hoffman in convenient cat form

My wife gets up at something like 4:30ish in the morning to get ready for work. All I can say to anyone who gets up at such an ungodly hour is “uh…more power to you?” But this also means that the kitty kids get up and make their first appearance at about the same time, so after spending all night sleeping on my back, Othello has someone to play with.

Tuesdays are my wife’s day off, so she likes to sleep in. Can’t say I blame her one bit. This morning at about 5:45, though, something furry started persistently hitting my face. A black cat paw. Pat pat pat pat pat. Pat pat pat pat pat. I know what it was. Othello had plenty of food and water. What he was missing was his daily morning kitty playtime. There was a slightly unnerving “Wapner’s on at five”-ishness to this behavior. Ah well, Rain Cat turns 13 years old in about a month, so I suppose he’s entitled to a little bit of eccentricity.… Read more

Critters Music Television & Movies

I like to run like a horse. I like to swim like a fish. That’s what I like.

Okay, get a load of this. My wife says I’m not blogging enough. Heh. Sorry I’ve fallen off the blawgwagon just a little bit of late. Blame it on the swimming pool: if I’m going and spending an hour or two in the drink every day, that’s a couple of hours I’m not getting to spend on the computer. Where, between moving massive chunks of the web site to WordPress and other projects, I’ve kinda felt like I’m spending plenty of time lately, thanks very much.

I completely forgot to mention how things wrapped up with the little grey kitten. I took her up to my sister-in-law’s farm, where she was immediately set to her first task – mousing in the tack room. I think she’ll do well. So we’re back to the fearsome threesome, though I think Oberon actually missed her for the first couple of days. I don’t think there’s a single honestly mean impulse between him and Olivia.

I was watching the little mini-series spin-off thingamabob “After The Catch” tonight, where the crab boat captains from “The Deadliest Catch” sit around and tell fish stories – well, okay, crab stories – and I’m thinking we need at least a one-hour special just talking to the photogs who shoot that show. Again, talk about a gig I would not want. Yeesh.

Orac 3.0 is up and running, so far, so good. I’m still not-quite-up and hobbling. Hence all the time in the pool.

Mini music brag of the week, with a little ‘support’ from Sy the Cyberman:
Witchblade CD
…signed by Joel Goldsmith no less. Really, really trippy stuff. Memo to Warner Bros.: this show needs to be on DVD, stat.

I’ll say more when I have more to say.… Read more

Critters Funny Stuff Gaming

Pictures of a weekend

Not much to say here; just some pictures from my weekend:

Olivia snoozin'
Olivia’s entry in the Cutest Kitten In The House contest. She really cranked up the cute after seeing little grey girl’s pictures.

Fellowhip of the Ring
A mass-mailing from a local church. Holy proofreading, Batman!

Help waned at our fellowhip!
Presumably whoever put that together answered this call for help.

A nice new pile o' games
My latest influx of new (but old) games from a trade with scooterb23 of the DP forums, along with other trades and goodies I’ve picked up this year (Supercharger and Stella Gets A New Brain, among numerous other items, not shown here). Early this year, before we knew we were expecting, my wife made a comment about how much I spend on my old video game collection. I think so far this year, I’m up to about the $20 mark, most of that spent in shipping stuff out for my end of the trade. 😆… Read more


More new kitten pix

More photos of our sleepy little visitor.


It appears that this one is just passing through; she hisses at everybody (but Othello’s special – he gets bonus growls with his hisses). None of our kitties have hissed at her, though. Olivia and Oberon have tried to play with her under the door, in fact. … Read more