Critters Funny Stuff

Playing Possum

Evan and the Christmas Tree
Our first real Christmas tree – the first one since we moved into this house, and the first decent-sized one since we got married. My wife stayed up late doing some decorating; the one token ornament I put on there (the Star Trek transporter ornament) mysteriously came down. 😆 As you can see, Evan is bowled over with excitement!

But that was nothing compared to the excitement at the back door last night. All the critters were in attendance – Obi, Othello, Olivia, even Claude. But what was so fascinating on the other side of the glass? Look very closely. … Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Critters

Fisher-Price presents: My First Shiner

You can tell Evan’s my kid by the way he fights sleep. That is to say, he isn’t merely resisting the notion of closing his eyes and surrendering consciousness – he’s actively trying to kick sleep’s ass so he can stay awake all hours like Daddy does. This is the cause of some almighty screaming crying fits at night, as well as lots of flailing about. He’s put an inexplicable scratch on the right side of his own nose that I don’t look forward to explaining at his next doctor’s visit. And now my son Sluggo has managed to punch himself just below the right eye and cause a bit of swelling. 😯 … Read more

Critters Funny Stuff

The amazing true story of the puffball-fetching cat

Olivia and the puffballOur dog doesn’t play fetch like our cat does.

Oh, sure, you can go outside and throw something for Xena to fetch, but more than likely she’ll sit by your side, watch the projectile arc gracefully through the air, and wonder why in the world you threw it way out there. Throw a puffball inside the house, however, and nothing is as certain as the fact that it will return to you in Olivia’s mouth, and she’ll happily drop it by your feet and bat it around a little bit while she waits for you to throw it again. It’s fun!

Olivia also perks up at the mention of the word “puffball.” She can be dozing off, but if you say “puffball,” she looks up in anticipation.

Olivia and the puffball

Actually, Olivia carries a lot of stuff around, dog-like, in her mouth: hair scrunchies, string, cat toys (especially Claude), you name it. We’ve found wayward baby socks around the house in places where we never would have put them. Even better is that she’s teaching Oberon this valuable skill.

Don’t believe me? Click here for the video, taken in the doorway of Evan’s room.… Read more


Wait, how will she afford the cat food?

Just how much love is there in our little family of two and four legged folks, you ask? You picked a good night to ask – a windy, icky night which is once again making the wind whistle and howl through the not-quite-airtight windows and doors. And outside, in the doghouse, is a white-and-grey splotchy kitten, smaller than Olivia. I saw this cat the other day in our pasture, but it wouldn’t let me get too close.

Why is this kitty in the doghouse? Because it’s moved in there for shelter…and Xena has adopted her. 😯 … Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Critters Gadgetology Home Base

The Baby Monitor and other tales

After much complaining about our complete and utter lack of one, my wife finally got a baby monitor Sunday, and I immediately set about plugging it in and putting all the pieces in place. This has been incredibly handy to have around because, as I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned a time or two, having the Avid gear up and running is like having an airplane idling right next to you. If Evan’s down for a nap between feedings, and starts getting fidgety, I’m not going to hear it until he’s at a full-bore wail. Which probably means he’s woken his mom and I’m in really deep trouble. So a baby monitor isn’t an “oh, that would be nice” for me; it’s an “I need this.”

Abou the only drawback is that I get to listen to Evan FM all night – the aforementioned mix CD of baby music that I made for him. Good thing I like most of that stuff. But so far, it’s worked great. There’s just one little drawback. 1 night = 1 9-volt battery. Ugh.

Evan in the hood
Fig. 1 – Evan in the hood.Read more