It’s time once again to dip into the ’80s and revisit another issue of the Raider Record, the junior high school paper of which I was copy editor between 1985 and 1987. As always, you can find every issue from that period scanned in PDF form here, or you can view or download this specific issue here. Going through and scanning these, lots of memories came bubbling up to the surface, so I thought it would be entertaining to record those for posterity here.
This one’ll shock you after months of obscure technical information remembered from the days before non-Mac computers had mice, but in looking at this issue, I could only think “I’ve got nothin’ here”. I didn’t remember this one at all. It’s a very sportsy issue, isn’t it? Surely I had something to do with layout here, but I did not remember a thing.
So much of a blank, in fact, that I asked Rob Heyman if he remembered anything about it. He said that this was a case where our weekend layout session at Westark had turned into a weekend goof-off session, which got us in trouble. Oops. When I thought about this a little, yeah, it did kinda vaguely come back to me: we said we’d do the layout duties at my house – bad, bad idea since I had an Apple II at home and, thus, a healthy selection of Apple II games at home – which means that this issue was “taken from us” and we were in trouble. I don’t remember anything like that ever happening again. It must’ve made an impression, especially if my mother had a chance to bring her considerable fury to bear on the topic, which she almost certainly did.
Well then.
What do you remember about this one? This’ll probably wind up being everyone’s favorite.
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