I'm just your typical compulsively-writing, sci-fi-and-science-obsessed, classic-video-game-playing, action-figure-collecting dad.

That's me in red with the smooth round head.
I edit Mission Log: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast and its sister shows Mission Log: Prodigy and Mission Log: The Orville for Roddenberry Podcasts. I was a frequent writer, editor, and voice on the daily Sci-Fi 5 podcast for Roddenberry, and I created and currently co-host Mission Log: Gene-ology. I handle video production on Mission Log Live, Mission Log: Prodigy and Mission Log: The Orville. I'm the technical director for the TrekTalks online telethon event benefiting Hollywood Food Coalition.
I also run theLogBook.com/theLogBook.media and host podcasts here, including Retrogram, Select Game and Don't Give This Tape To Earl. I've written several books (WARP!1, VWORP!1, VWORP!2, and "Fatherhood, Fandom And Fading Out), and produced the Phosphor Dot Fossils video game documentaries. On YouTube, I still occasionally produce and host the ongoing Phosphor Dot Fossils and Voyages Of Shelf Discovery series. Follow me on Twitter @LogBookGuy, like theLogBook.com on Facebook, or contact me here.
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