Anyone who’s wondering what my take on the whole Lucasfilm/Disney/Star Wars Episode VII thing is… I haven’t really got one yet. We have no idea what’s going to be done with it. And if I don’t like what I see coming down the pike, I can sit it out like I have with the glut of novels in years past. It’s no skin off my back. I’ve got the original untouched, pre-special-edition movies on my home media server. I’ve gotten what I need out of the deal. (Seen above: the internet reacts, as if a million geeks suddenly cried out, and suddenly kept crying out, despite the fact that the best science fiction movie of this century’s first decade was actually WALL-E.)
As often happens, my son saw this coming before I did…
Little E has recently been on a planetary science kick, as much as any five-year-old can be. I’ve showed him pictures from Cassini and Voyager and Curiosity and Spirit and Opportunity and Galileo and Hubble. Saturn is his favorite planet, though Uranus is a close second (and not because of any childish jokes about the name – he’s not even old enough to get those yet). He’s asked why there are no pictures of Pluto. I’ve explained that we’ve already sent a really smart robot called New Horizons to take pictures for us and send them back home. It’ll get there in 2015, the same year Disney says we’ll get Star Wars Episode VII.
I told him the news about a new Star Wars movie today, and he asked what it was going to be about. I told him I didn’t know.
Tonight after bathtime, I asked him what he was more excited about when he turns 8 – seeing Pluto, or seeing a new Star Wars movie? His answer…
That’s my boy.
I doubt he’ll kick anyone in the shins for continuing the adventures of R2-D2, though.
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