Should We Talk About The Weather?

The sound of TERROR

1 min read

To the Max, manAs I’ve gotten older, I’ve developed an occasional fascination with reading up on stuff that scared the hell out of me as a kid, even if the scare-the-hell-out-of-me factor was impossibly silly and irrational. I’ve gotten to where I value reason, and knowing, over knee-jerk emotional reactions. (Let’s face it, in this house, I kinda have to be the one to do that.) Sometimes it’s something as silly as figuring out why a certain movie freaked me out as a kid. Sometimes it’s about figuring out more about a specific sound used to scare the hell out of me. Something like this sound. … Read more

Gaming Write, Write, You Bloody Well Write

It’s almost OVGE time

NOT THE MIND PROBEA great big box of books landed on my doorstep with a resounding thud today, which is pretty much the last step in getting ready for OVGE this Saturday. I think that may actually set a new record for me: I’m finished figuring out what to bring a week out, rather than freaking out the night before. (There have been a couple of years where my theme was decided, and signage and other graphical aids designed and printed to match, literally the night before.) Of course, now the trick is to not spend the next few days second-guessing myself. … Read more

Cooking With Code

A minor housekeeping note

Yeah, whut?For those interested (which is probably an amazingly small number): for some reason, Facebook is not allowing me to update my status, comment, like, lick, spin, dodge, parry, or thrust. It will allow me to update theLogBook’s page, and apparently it will allow me to post links, but that’s it.

For those who wonder why I post stuff on my blog and link to the blog from Facebook… this is a pretty good example of why.… Read more