...And Little E Makes 3 Critters

Welcome to Evan’s Man Cave (formerly Daddy’s Man Cave)

Evan has figured out how to open and close the door to my game room; the only thing he hasn’t quite gotten his head (or his height) around is the operation of the doorknob (or, for that matter, the lock – daddy senses a bit of doorknob surgery in the near future before that happens…), but other than that, he’s likely to open the door, greet you and welcome you in. I don’t even think this is my game room anymore. :shocked:

He’s also taken on another bizarre habit. He has a blankie horse, you see, and it’s become clear over time that this is his “comfort animal” – his security blanket with a horsie head, if you like. But lately, he’s taken to walking through the house with blankie horse’s head clamped in his teeth, “hands-free.” It took me a moment, and then I realize where he had seen this behavior, and it wasn’t from either of his parents.


My son’s being raised by cats.… Read more


Not always a boom tomorrow

Dune 2000So I had a little bit of frustration worked up tonight and decided that I’d take care of it the only way that seemed reasonable: it was time to blow shit up, and it was time to blow shit up Dune 2000 style. Even though it’s about ten years old (roughly the same age as its Westwood stable mate, Command & Conquer: Red Alert), no matter how much shiny new stuff I have gaming-wise, Dune 2000 is always the game of choice for me to take out major frustration on. I picked out some appropriate music (time to crank the Alias soundtracks), put on my headphones, and declared war. … Read more