...And Little E Makes 3 Should We Talk About The Weather? Toiling In The Pixel Mines

Mother’s Day musings

More nasty storms rolled through tonight. No damage on our end, but it wouldn’t have been the first damage of the year if there had been; we finally got the write-up from our insurance company on the work to be done on the house, as well as the check to do it with. It’s not what I’d describe as a small check, and not what I’d describe as small work: new roof, new windows all around, new back door, refinish the deck…I’ll admit that I look forward to having screen windows (the paperwork actually specifies screen windows), as well as a new back door, but I was a little surprised by the new roof thing. That’ll be fun. 🙄

In other news, another round of PDF DVDs goes out the door on Monday, due in no small part to me finally openly promoting it on Digital Press and AtariAge. Both communities have a bit of a history of suddenly getting their backs up when someone starts trying to sell them stuff from within, but ya know, I think both communities also know me well enough to know that I’m not a fly-by-night spammer. (Though considering how little I’ve been on AtariAge for the past few years, they might think I am. 😆 What can I say? I just don’t quite have the hardcore Atari tunnel vision that some of the folks there do, and I feel a little out of place.) I’ll admit that over the past couple of weeks since the OKC show, it’s been kind of fun to see where I got with just word-of-mouth and a banner about the DVD in my message board signatures, but it’s time to get down to business – I need a new office chair stat. Mine’s broken and it’s driving me nuts to sit on it. :-p

Speaking of video work, I’ve been amused lately by a TV promo about a grocery giveaway that looks like something I would’ve done with the on-screen text being “printed” on “receipts” that scroll up the screen. The really funny thing? This promo is not running on a station I used to work for – it’s running on a station that’s, technically speaking, the competition. 😆 Maybe I’m having delusions of grandeur, but permit me a moment to laugh out loud at channel 5 aping some of my old 40/29 promo tricks. (Please don’t mistake this for me pining away for the old job though – one thing I’ve enjoyed about the wild weather this year is being home to take care of my family, rather than getting called in or having to stay hellishly late to wipe someone’s butt and worry my head off about my kid.)

Finally, speaking of my kid, some pictures that only a mother could love: … Read more

Critters Gaming Toiling In The Pixel Mines

The Othello Report

FISH!Othello is home from the vet, and as I type this he’s enthusiastically chowing down on some Fancy Feast – of which I have quite a bit that I never intended to feed anyone after the Great Wet Cat Food Scare of a year or two ago. All these cans o’ Fancy Feast came as little samplers packed in with cat litter. Right now, they seem to be hitting the spot just fine, which is exactly what we need; due to the same aforementioned Cat Food Scare, we switched off to a regionally-produced brand of dry food – i.e. something that didn’t come from the same mills as 90% of the commercial brands – which Othello now shows no interest in. He now happily chows down on canned food while the other two are locked away temporarily, which drives the kitty kids nuts. Especially when I put his food away and he happily struts back into the baby’s room to lay down on my bed, smelling like canned cat food…which the other two can’t find. Good to be king, eh? But it’s even better that he’s eating. Now let’s see you pack on some pounds, skinny boy.

Got an Avid drive cable in yesterday, so I was able to try out the new Avid drives I got from eBay – remember, the ones that came clanking against each other in a priority mail box with absolutely no packing material whatsoever except for one flimsy piece of bubble wrap between the drives? – and to my astonishment, one of them was not DOA. The other one’s media was so damaged that it couldn’t even get one minute into a low level format. Say it again with me: dumbass! I wouldn’t even be going to the ‘bay for these except that I’m dealing with a slightly older generation of Avid gear. I’d have to buy a completely new setup to get the generation of Avid that uses firewire for everything, and I can guarantee you that I wouldn’t be getting that one for under $425 and a trip to Illinois. (To date, despite a motherboard replacement, three new drives, and new drive cables – which are all kinds of not cheap – I still have yet to sink $1,000 into my Avid.)

Neat stuff comes out of though. I’ll be sending out the next round of PDF DVD orders today or tomorrow, including the first international order (!) and orders from folks who I have no idea who in the world they are. As much as I appreciate my circle of friends picking up copies, the whole “total strangers buying my little DVD that I made” thing is kind of exciting.

Speaking of video games, I finally got Daphne working last night, and played my first game of Astron Belt in ages. I wish I’d accomplished that before the PDF DVD went out the door. 🙄 Ah well.… Read more

Critters Gaming

National day of moping

OthelloOthello went to the vet this morning, and he’s still there undergoing blood tests. Apparently my quasi-diagnosis of him at least trying to keep water in his system was optomistic; they said he’s actually rather dehydrated. His back legs are practically skin and bone, even the hair is coming off. I’m not sure how I missed this happening, other than being preoccupied with Evan and with OEGE and the usual day-to-day stuff – I’d just cuddle my old cat when he came to me and I didn’t think anything of it, and then about a week ago I picked him up, noticed how skinny his hips seemed all of a sudden, and he had to weigh all of six or seven pounds. I hope this isn’t going to be a case of death by being taken for granted. Othello’s supposed to stick around with me and celebrate his 14th birthday this year. Oberon and Olivia have been moping without him here – either moping or full-bore spazzing around the house. Othello is sort of like the stabilizing adult influence among our little kitty herd (but hey, annoy him enough by batting his face or tail and he’ll throw down with the best of ’em), so I worry about the other two cats too.

OVGE 2008 has been announced officially, so I can stop dropping vague hints. I really hope that some of the folks let down by CGE’s cancellation this year will check this show out – it’s really not a bad alternative for the collectors looking for good deals, and I have yet to go to an OVGE that wasn’t a lot of fun. Brian “icbrkr” Green is likely sitting this one out – i.e. “Warning! A giant battleship FATHERHOOD approaches!” – but you can bet that Flack and I will be there. Maybe we can even talk Ubik into busting out that Altair setup again. Of course I’ll have the PDF DVD with me, and I’m certain the CGE DVD set will be done by then too. (Sooner than that, in fact.)… Read more


The incredible shrinking cat

Othello has lost a lot of weight suddenly – as in over the past two weeks. You can practically feel his hipbone when you pet him. I think we’re due for a visit to the vet – I’m hoping it’s just some parasite he’s picked up during some recent unauthorized visits to the outside world (he’s gotten almost as bad about that as Obi). He’s not really a young cat anymore, so I have no doubt this is taking its toll on him, but he’s still drinking plenty of water, so that at least is a plus – he’s at least trying to stay alive here. Which is good considering how much I love my old cat.… Read more


Well, I’ll be frakked.

Let me lend you a HanWell well well. A little bird has landed on my windowsill with news that a certain gaming gathering taking place in a certain major Oklahoma city between OKC and a certain Arkansas border is back on this year, maybe second-weekend-of-a-certain-August-ish-month. So it looks like anyone interested has another chance to pick up the PDF:DVD live and in person (but hey, by all means, don’t deprive yourself until then – you can get one here too).

Anything more specific than that, I don’t know, mainly because Obi caught and ate the bird. But it was a helpful bird. And tasty, or at least so I hear. Mark your calendars!… Read more

Gadgetology Gaming

Oatmeal? Where we’re going, we don’t NEED oatmeal.

And now, the newsThe first batch of PDF DVD orders is out the door! Thanks to everyone who’s spending their stimulus checks with me. I hope you find the results stimulating. Wait, there’s got to be a better way to word that…

I’m waiting for the arrival of another new pair of Avid drive cables to test out a new (to me) pair of Avid drives that I just got. I’m a bit nervous about the drives in question because the fellow who sold them to me put both of them, with ABSOLUTELY NO PACKING MATERIAL, in a standard Priority Mail box and shipped them off. No “fragile” written on the box, no nothing. WTF!? It’s bad enough that, due to having a slightly older generation of Avid hardware than what’s in use now, I have to buy other people’s used drives. It’s even worse, however, when those other people turn out to be total freaking idiots.

Speaking of massive hard drives, the project to transfer my media files to the 1TB drive is more or less complete. I’m terribly terribly pleased with this drive thingie. It also passed the “breakout test” on Friday morning as a nasty storm blasted through – I got it shut down fairly quickly, and the plugs pulled. We didn’t have to take shelter or anything, but I also didn’t want it to get zapped by lightning. I could’ve very easily picked it up and walked off with it at that point.

I finally finished my official write-up on the Oklahoma City show; you can read that here. Rob also has his review posted here, with a bit on the afterparty here, which as usual I couldn’t stick around for long because I had to be back home the same night. If I’m ever well-rested for one of these shows, or I’m actually Hey kids, it's Mr. Fusion!able to stick around for a while afterward, fear for your lives, for it is a sign of the apocalypse. Speaking of which, one thing I couldn’t find a place to mention in my review without it being a total non-sequitur was that, just as we were about to get on the interstate from Alma (which is kinda sorta more or less where we both live…near…), Kent and I saw a Delorean toodling down highway 71. No Mr. Fusion, just a Delorean. What makes it even funnier is that we both stared to see who was driving this thing through Alma of all places, and almost in unison we looked at each other and said “Wilford Brimley.” 😯

Nothing else immediately spring into my sleep-deprived mind at the moment, so I suppose this concludes this core memory dump. Please check back later, I may have something coherent to say. (Though I’ll admit that the likelihood of that is very low.)… Read more