...And Little E Makes 3

Tales of the toofers

Evan’s been a little bit cranky lately, has wanted the binky a bit more (which is odd, because he hasn’t been a baby who absolutely demands full-time binkyness), and has had trouble sleeping, occasionally going from being sound asleep to awake and screeching.

Turns out the little guy has his first toofers coming in! A few more of those (and a few more screaming fits) and semi-solid food, here we come. Poor little guy. I feel for him – it occurred to me that it’s almost exactly ten years since I had my own replacement toofers installed, and that was no walk in the park. Daddy has spent lots of time standing by the crib or carrying the little guy around, holding his hand while he’s having to endure this pain that he has no idea what to do with.

To observe the occasion of his first toofers, and the fact that it’s really really cold outside, here he is in his new little penguin outfit. Kid tested, Mr. Flibble approved.

Tough and ruthless...or rough and toothless?

If someone had told me, a decade ago while I was having teeth replaced, that ten years from that day I’d have a baby son going through teething pains, oh how I would have laughed.… Read more