Gaming Television & Movies Toiling In The Pixel Mines

Lotsa stuff to look at

Plenty of stuff for you to gawk at today…

I’ve started a “promo blog” for the Phosphor Dot Fossils DVD project here. I’ve left room for comments, though I’m not expecting anyone to actually make any, and I can’t put my hand on my heart and say it’ll be updated more than once a week. 😆 I figured it’s about time to start beating the drum, and maybe getting a finger on the pulse of how many people are interested in the thing.

The unexpected “re-discovery” of a long-lost DVD of my 2003 demo reel has enabled me to add something to ye olde work blawg that I’ve wanted to add for ages, but thought was lost for good: several news packages that I edited a few years ago. Oddly enough, I found a second DVD which contained the same stuff, only with a running commentary that I had recorded in 2003. This version of my demo reel was a bit of a vanity piece – I made several copies and handed them out at CGE ’03 just in case I made any valuable contacts. I can brag just a little bit here – Howard Scott Warshaw, creator/producer/host of Once Upon Atari (and, oh yeah, designer of Raiders Of The Lost Ark, E.T. and Yars’ Revenge for the 2600), liked it quite a bit. I’ve included the commentaries here just for curiosity’s sake. All of the packages were actually slated with the reporter/photog credits and original airdates, so credit is given where credit is due. Hopefully the talent involved doesn’t mind me posting this stuff after all these years – they should be proud, because it’s some of their best work too. (All of the reporters involved have since moved on to bigger and better markets – coincidence? 😆 ) … Read more