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Our long national nightmare is over

Okay, so maybe not very national. But I got something in the mail today which indicates that, while it is entirely possible that you can take the sky from me, there exists a roof between my head and the sky which remains mine.
So ends a process which I hope that no one reading this ever has to experience for themselves.
I went ahead and sprang for the three original Star Wars flicks on DVD – including the original originals that my site’s been shilling for all week 😆 – and then today the three new ELO remasters that I preordered some time back arrived in the mail. Which trilogy to indulge in first? In my present state, Lynne Lucas. (And there is a certain amusing symmetry to the fact that I’ve bought the same things again from both of them, and became interested in both around roughly the same time – in fact, my first exposure to ELO was my older brother giving me an 8-track tape of A New World Record, which also happens to be one of the newly remastered albums, as bribe to leave him and his date alone; he informed me that the intro to “Tightrope” “sounds just like your Star Wars music”.)
I’m feeding horses every morning for the next 10 days, so I may not be blawging quite so actively during that time (for which you may wish to thank the deities of your choice, and 20+ hungry horses, at your convenience).… Read more