
Staying up with the baby.

Boss recuperatesIn our last installment, I mentioned that the decision had finally been made to get Hannah away from Boss before she did him grievous bodily harm. We’ve done that, but we may have done it too late. Boss is now on the horse equivalent of baby formula, and a fresh batch has to be mixed up and brought to him every 3 hours. Guess who gets to do that?
Actually, I’m not complaining. I’ve taken off work through the middle of next week just to do this, because someone needs to. I’ve also gotten used to hanging out with the herd in the dead of night – there’s something relaxing about it. Tonight’s been just eerie, because there are some serious thunderstorms to the north – we’re talking way up in southwest Missouri – so we have a clear, starry sky…with tons of lightning. Kinda strange. For most of the foals, this is their first experience with lightning, so it’s a blessing in that they get to see it without hailstones beaning them 10 minutes later. … Read more