Colecovision Day!
Today, I finally figured out that I’m a complete dimwit and haven’t had my Colecovision hooked up correctly in a dog’s age. 🙄 I needed to grab some video from the old thing from one particular game, but I got a bit of a Colecovision jones going and wound up playing (and getting video from) several games. Played rounds of Buck Rogers: Planet Of Zoom, Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Frenzy, Ladybug, Jungle Hunt, Venture, and yes, even Smurf. That last game is so frustrating – it should be fun, but the controls just make it supremely frustrating. Its graphics really were quite something back in the day, but the control scheme kills the deal. I was going to play the Galaxian cartridge I picked up last year at OVGE, only find that it was dead! 😕 Ah well. All in all, got about an hour and a half of gaming in today, and to coin a phrase, I think I needed that.
Vacation starts tomorrow. Can’t. Wait.… Read more