NBC airs the 13th episode of the supernatural anthology series Ghost Story, produced by 1960s horror movie mogul William Castle and starring Sebastian Cabot. Angie Dickinson and Madlyn Rhue guest star.
Just widowed, Carol Finney is having to learn to live life without her husband around, with quite a bit of help from her sister Georgia. Not making matters any easier is that fact that her neighbor, Mr. Mundy, seems unable to control his dog, Adam – a Doberman formerly owned by the Finneys. After Adam snarls at her from just outside her front door a couple of times, Carol feels compelled to ask Mundy to tie the dog down at night, which he refuses to do. Georgia, who is scared of large dogs, takes more decisive action to solve the Adam problem, but that action is not only inhumane, but triggers off a series of events with deadly consequences for both sisters.
teleplay by Del Reisman
directed by Walter Doniger
music by Billy Goldenberg and Robert PrinceCast: Sebastian Cabot (Winston Essex), Angie Dickinson (Carol Finney), John Ireland (Arthur Mundy), Madlyn Rhue (Georgia Strauss), Mary Murphy (Maggie Mundy), Robert Donner (Ralph)
LogBook entry by Earl Green