Superman: Episode 9
CBS airs the ninth episode of the animated series Superman, starring the voices of Beau Weaver and Ginny McSwain, and comprised of two stories: Bonechill and The Driver’s License.
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Superman now streaming on Amazon Prime
Superboy: Bringing Down The House
The sixth episode of the syndicated Alexander and Ilya Salkind-produced Superboy series, starring John Haymes Newton and Stacy Haiduk, airs. Sabrina Lloyd (Sliders) guest stars.
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Twilight Zone: Our Selena Is Dying
The 43rd episode of a revival of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone airs in syndication. Terri Garber stars in J. Michael Straczynski’s adaptation of a previously undiscovered Rod Serling script.
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More about The Twilight Zone in the LogBook and Store
The Twilight Zone now streaming on Paramount Plus